My computer began to really act up and I decided it needed to see the doctor. I sent it with Jeff to his friend Jarad's house. This man is a computer genius his entire house can be run by his computer. So he managed to fix it. I initially had a minor meltdown when my e-mail program was missing and we couldn't get it to come up and all of my 62 messages in my inbox, my address book pretty much my life was missing. Jeff brought it back this morning and all is fixed. Thank the heavens and I am still married. Although death of my husband was certainly a viable option last night.
I received a pretty messed up phone call this past Friday. I am not quite willing to have it posted on the Internet but needless to say, it made for one hell of a long stressful weekend. Thanks Rach for letting me come chill and get my head time to relax for a night.
We got another 9" of snow last night. I actually went out today and we had family shovel, snow blow day. This one didn't seem nearly as bad it was light and fluffy or maybe we are just used to it by now. Who knows anything is better than all that ice!!
Brady & I then got ready and we went to Christopher's 3rd b-day party. It was the first time that Brady had ever been to Chuckie Cheese which he amusingly called Chuckie Cheezit. He was so amazed by everything it was fun to be with him their even though I personally can't stand the place. By the way not sure if you can read the cake but it reads Happy Birthday DUDE....
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