Monday, May 11, 2009

Never forget to say I love you.

This month has so far been insane. We made it through Brian's wedding and I am so thankful it is over and we can put it behind us.

The boys baseball is in full swing. Sadly Austin is 0-1 and Colby's team is 0-2. However, on the bright side Colby had an amazing hit Saturday and I am thrilled to have seen it.

This is the overview of my upcoming week.

  • Monday I have to pick up Austin at 5pm from school, Colby has a game at 6pm.
  • Tuesday Colby has to be picked up from School
  • Wednesday Colby has to be picked up from School, Austin has practice, Colby has a game.
  • Thursday Austin has to be driven to school, Colby has to be picked up after school and Colby has a game.
  • Friday get everything ready for Saturday and Sunday. Tiffany graduates from dental school.
  • Saturday Austin & Colby have games, baseball pictures, Colby has a birthday party at his friend Michaels house and Bradys party here. Jake gets picked up and going to Gina's.
  • Sunday Rachael's graduation and party. Pick up Jake from Gina's.
I seriously wrote this down so I don't forget anybody or anything this week. My brain is a jumble.

This is also a sad week indeed my poor friend Jen just lost her brother and I am very saddened by this horrible news. I also found out my brother has to put his beloved dog Sebastian down today. It is a week of many highs and the reality that it can all be gone in an instant. Enjoy every moment you have because you never know if it can be your last, never go to bed mad, don't ever say something you can't take back and NEVER forget to say I love you.

I am going to end with this and it makes me stop to realize that no matter how busy I am I never want to forget to say I LOVE YOU!!.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Aswwwwww, we love you too!