Well it has come to my attention that my friends aren't all feeling so much equal in my life. First let me start by saying that secondly too my family, my friends are my life. I never had a ton of friends as a kid but the ones I did have were loyal and die hard to the end. As I have grown those friends have changed but the ones that are in my life are friends that would do anything for me and me anything for them. I have done a lot of housecleaning in the last year and removed ties from a lot of people that were manipulative and fairweather friends. The friends that are still apart of my life are here for a reason. Some I don't see as often as I would like but they hold a piece of my heart always. So I decided that maybe a little blurb about my friends and why I love them so may bring some joy and a smile to some days.
My Core friends are:
Rachael: Known her 15 yrs. She is my BFF I love her to death. I can talk to her about anything we have been through it all together. My life would be so empty without her and I can't imagine her not a part of it. She knows all my deepest darkest secrets, I wasn't always the angel I am now. BAAHAAAAA. She is usually my rock and manages to hold me together when I am ready to fall apart. She is a barrell of laughs to hang out with and I love to go over and gossip and talk about nothing for hours, I am surprised we can even fit time in for a breath.
Tracy: That is Tracy without the E. I have known her for what is coming up to be 13 yrs. She was one of the two great things that happened from meeting her brother. I have fond memories of being able to steal or should I say borrow all her clothes. She is not my BFF but more like a sister, yes we are friends but our friendship goes so much deeper than that. She is probably the most mature out of all my friends, has her head on straight and will not hesitate to tell you how it is. She does not have a poker face. She picked me and my family to be part of hers and didn't walk away when things got tough. I brought her much joy and a lot of hardship. However, she stuck by my side and never once did she falter.
Stephanie: I have known her for the past almost 5 yrs. She has given me two wonderful children 1 niece and 1 nephew. I love her to pieces. She can make me laugh and is my funniest and goofiest friend. I can talk to her about nothing for hours and I know she is always there. She loves to pick on me and I love to do it back.
Jen Purdy: Oh Jen well I have known her for the past 10 yrs but we really only became great friends this past summer. I have learned to appreciate and love her. She would give anything she had if it was to help a friend. I love her kind nature and loyalty.
Laurie: Laurie is technically family she is my first cousin and has known me since I was born. Yes she is older. hee hee hee. I love her so much. We do so much together. Our children are close in age and we have a lot of the same hobbies. We may not talk as much as we should but we try and hang out as much as time allows. She can make me laugh like no other person on this earth. She has a sense of humor that I long for. I love my cousin and friend.
I love you all my heart holds a great piece of you where ever I go. You guys all help me to be a better person everyday and my life has been filled with joy for having you in it. I am not always great at letting people know what they mean to me. However, over the past year I realize how important it really is to let them know here and now. Because we all know tomorrow may be too late. So I am letting you all know how important you are in my life and I will always love you.
1 comment:
Awwwww, what a great post! You are blessed with so many people who feel the same about you as you do about them.... I adore you & truly couldnt imagine my life without you! It's funny you call me a rock because I always think of YOU as the strong one!
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