This is one mommy that can not wait for spring. This might possibly be the longest winter of my whole life.
Today has been a good day. I know they have been rare lately. Nothing good bad or indifferent happened today but I am in good spirits. I got the kids report cards today. Ehhh not a shining moment but improvement had been made in certain areas so I will give them a reprieve. I have very high expectations for this quarter. Why is it you just don't see the importance of school until you are an adult and then you wish you had put the hard work in and done better. I wish I could get them to see that now. Not that they don't do well but that is only because I ride them about it constantly. I wish they would do it because it will really make or break what kind of college you can get accepted too. Not to mention it surely helps for those little things called scholorships. Someday they will realize I am not talking like the teacher on Charlie Brown and real words that are in their best interest are leaving my lips.
This is going to be a busy week Austin has basketball practice tonight, Colby has to be driven to school tomorrow, Thursday Austin has chorus and basketball, Saturday we have to drop kids off at Rachaels and go to a memorial service up in Laconia, hopefuelly be back in time to bring Austin to his basketball game. Crazy week!!!
I am glad to hear you had a good day! :)
good luck with your busy week.
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