Valentine's Day to me is a day like any other. I never do anything special or get anything special either. Jeff may get me a card if we can afford it but ehhh really it doesn't usually thrill me. However, when Colby got home from school today and Jeff came running in saying "close your eyes, close your eyes. I was thinking it was something silly so I was waving me hands around. Jeff kind of got annoyed and was like no you will wreck it just put your hand out. So I took the gift and opened my eyes to find this beautiful red carnation. He put it in the water bottle at school so it wouldn't die on its way home to me. I really got all teary eyed and even now I can't help but get all weepy. I asked him where he got the money to get the flower and his response is what kills me. I used my own money mom and I kept it a secret nobody knew I was going to buy the flower except me. In the moment I may have officially been the proudest mom in all the world. That he took his own money and spent it on a gift for me, oh wow it blows my mind. My little boy will be turning twelve in 3 weeks and today I realized how grown up he is becoming. I really get on his case about grades, attitude, & especially how he speaks to his brothers and I, but in moments like these I realize what a great, selfless and amazing young man he is becoming.
On a lighter note just so I can stop crying we are finally surprising the boys. We went and got paint today and are secretly painting their room. They are crashing upstairs tonight and are not allowed in until it is finished. We are cleaning it from top to bottom and reorgaizing the entire room. The room is huge so we are going to almost divide it in half. This way they can each have a little more privacy as they get older and aren't so on top of each other all the time. We are doing Austin's half blue for NY Yankees and Colby's red for Red Sox. I will take photos once it is completed. I hope the kids love it and I can't wait for them to see it.
Well okay it is 2 am and I am beat. So talk to you all later.
1 comment:
He really can be such a sweet kid, huh?
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